This product meets Action Factory's high quality standards. We were so impressed with this flame-proofing agent we made it our only choice when prepping.
Fire Block allows a user to flame-treat natural fibers as well as synthetics. It can also be added to water-based paint for some applications. When applied properly the wardrobe will not have a "white flaky" residue, often associated with the other fire proofing agents. The Fire Block treated wardrobe can even be steam pressed, ironed or put in the dryer to get rid of any stiffness, allowing the garment to have a totally natural look. Fire Block has been laboratory tested and deemed non-toxic. However, Action Factory always recommends testing a small amount on a users arm to ensure no allergy. As with all good chemical practices, the treatment process should always be conducted in a well ventilated area and with standard chemical handling procedures.
Fire Block comes in one gallon or five gallon quantities.